How cement is made | My it bd

How cement is made

Do you know how cement is made? If you want to know how cement is made then this post is for you. How is cement made now? How to start making cement? This has been discussed in detail.

There was a time when people used to build houses out of mud and clay. Then comes Chun Shurki's house. Still, if you look carefully, there are many old houses in different villages and towns. which were made of lime shards. But nowadays no one can think of building a house without cement. So today we will shed light on how cement is made.

How Cement is Made: Introduction

Have you ever had this question in your mind that the material that makes our houses strong, the big dams and bridges are standing strong, that is, how cement is actually made and what is mixed in it that makes the walls so strong. This cement protects our house even after years of cold and summer. Think about how many problems we could not have solved without this cement. So let's try to know today how this cement is made.

How does cement manufacture begin?

If we talk about the beginning of cement, a person named William Eppsty discovered it in England in 1824. In fact, there is a place called Portland in England where there is a mountain whose color is very similar to cement, that's why normal cement is also called Portland cement.

When was the cement factory built in Bangladesh?
In 1941, the first cement factory started in the country. Assam Bengal Cement Company was established on the banks of Surma River in Chatak Upazila of Sylhet. After independence, the only factory in the country continued to produce under the name Chatak Cement under the Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation. After independence another factory named Chittagong Cement Clinker and Grinding Factory was set up in 1973. In the early 90s, 95% of the country's cement demand was met by imports. At that time, clinker was imported at $25 per ton. Holcim and Scan set up cement factories due to low prices. Later in 1992 Bashundhara Group established the first private sector Meghna Cement Mill in the country under the ownership of domestic entrepreneurs.

The king brand cement produced in this mail became well known in the beginning. Then big entrepreneurs came forward in the cement sector in 2000. During that period, Metrocem, Ground, Premier, Sah Cement, Fresh, Akiz, Anwar, Aman, and Mir Cement entered the market.

Production capacity

The people of the cement industry said that the country's cement industry has progressed a lot in the last two decades. Cement people in Bangladesh have improved a lot. At the same time, the country's cement production has increased several times. Now the demand of cement in the country is 32 million metric tons. There is currently production of 57 million metric tons. As a result, it is now possible to export cement to meet the needs of the country. Besides, there is an opportunity to increase the export of cement from Bangladesh to seven states in the north-eastern region of India, Myanmar and Nepal. Bangladesh cement in export and world market. Cement factories have been built one after another.

Now this sector occupies a large part in the heavy industry of the country. The foundation of development is being made in the country's cement. Saving hard-earned precious foreign currency. Moreover, this sector has also opened new avenues for foreign exchange earnings through exports.

Although the cement industry of Bangladesh is very old, this industry is developing rapidly recently. The government gets about 1000 crores of revenue from the sector every fiscal year. In the financial year 2015-16, only 17 lakh 12 thousand dollars worth of cement was exported from Bangladesh. The previous year was 39 lakh 44 thousand dollars. These cements have been exported to several countries in Myanmar, India and Africa. In the fiscal year 2014-15, cement export abroad was 4.01 million US dollars. And in the fiscal year 2013-14, five and four nine million US dollars of cement was exported from Bangladesh.

Crown Cement is the largest exporter of crown cement only to its neighboring country India. Moreover, Shah Cement, Premier Cement, Akiz Cement, Seven Rings, Aramit, Confidence, Diamond, and Ultratech produced in Bangladesh have also made incredible progress in the cement sector of Bangladesh for the past 2 decades. In this, the country's economic progress is further strengthened.

Bangladesh's position in cement production

According to the Global Cement Report, 412.9 million tons of cement were used in the world in 2016. At that time the production capacity was 613 crore 80 lakh tons. The market size was 395 billion dollars or 33 lakh 57 thousand crore rupees. Bangladesh's position in the world market of this size is now 20th. Two years ago it was 23rd. India is the top country-wise cement consumption followed by China. Statistics say that last year the country used a total of 30 million tons of cement. Almost all of this huge demand is being supplied by the country's representativeThe stations

The cement industry is one of the few sectors in which Bangladesh is self-sufficient and capable of exporting. Private entrepreneurs are the main architects of this revolution behind the expected progress in the cement industry. More good news is that Bangladeshi cement now has the ability to compete with foreign cement in terms of quality as well. The price of cement in Bangladesh is much lower than the world market. Even less than India and Pakistan. Many countries, including China, have already started relocating labor-intensive industries to Bangladesh after signing the Cuto Protocol on curbing carbon emissions. By utilizing this opportunity, it is possible to expand Bangladesh's environment-friendly cement industry. As a result, Bangladesh can become the heart of Asia in the cement manufacturing industry.

When was the cement factory built in India?
The first cement factory in India was set up in 1904 at Prabandhar in Gujarat. But due to many reasons this company could not continue properly and closed down. Later that year a cement factory was built in Chennai. Although this factory was not successful in its work. But the factory in Chennai was something special that this factory was built on top of the chip. But after many struggles a successful cement factory was set up in 1912 and 1913 at Pro Bandhu in Gujarat.

How the cement factory is set up
In fact, no one can set up a cement factory anywhere. A few things need to be considered for setting up this factory. In fact, the raw material for cement production needs to be close by. If all the materials required for mixing cement are available in one place then the production of cement will be better and the trouble will be less. The raw materials used to make cement are heavy and cheap. So even though they are cheap, they cost a lot to transport.

What things are needed to make cement?
Now you might be wondering what it takes to make one. Mainly four ingredients are needed to make cement. The first among them is Lifestone ie Limestone. Limestone contains the highest amount of calcium carbonate.

Second is laterite soil. This soil is red in color. And the special thing about this soil is that it can be cooked.

Third is senstone. It is a black colored stone. And this black stone is easily found near any mountain. The fourth element is a kind of red soil.

Apart from these, silica and Elomira are also used in cement. Cool is also required for the manufacture of cement. Roughly 250 grams of coal is needed to make one ton of cement. Because of this, cement factories have to be built in all those places. Where firstly the demand for cement will be very high, and secondly lime stone i.e. line stone will be easily available. Because line stone i.e. limestone is the main material for making cement. And it is 60 to 65% of the total weight of cement. If the limestone is easily available near the cement factory, then the cost of transportation is also reduced. Because of this cement company can make a lot of profit with little expenditure.

How cement is made
Now let's know how cement is made? First of all, limestone has to be extracted to make cement. These lines tone between big hills. In order to extract this raw material from the mountain, the mountain has to be blasted. Many big mountains also collapsed in the big blast of dynamite. And after breaking the mountain small pieces of rock come out from there. Then the stones are loaded into trucks and brought to the factory.

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The four main components are then taken one by one to the crushing machine by a conveyor belt. The crushing machine breaks all these materials into smaller sized baric stones. Then those four things are mixed well and sent forward with the help of conveyor belt. The mixture is then cooked in a large furnace at about 1450 degrees Celsius. After heating at such a high temperature, the natural compound in them breaks down. And a new compound is formed. From the furnace it comes out in very small pieces. Which is called cement clinker.

Then the material has to be taken into the cooler. This material should be kept at 70 to 80 degrees Celsius in the cooler. Then finally these pieces have to be ground very finely in a grinder. And after grinding the cement is ready. But if this cement can be mixed and applied to the wall, it will not be possible. Because this cement will harden as soon as it dissolves in water. And so that this does not happen, gypsum has to be mixed in this cement. So that this cement does not harden immediately when mixed with water. Now when the cement is completely ready, the time comes for the packing of this cement or you can say packaging. So cement packaging work is done by manly machine. For this, cement packets are fitted into the machine. And the machine fills and seals the cement in those packets by proper measurement. However, it is not the case that cement is of the same type.

What are the types of cement?

As for qualityCement is divided into three categories. These are Grade 33, Grade 43, and Great 53. Testing of this cement is done 28 days or one month after making the cement. And according to the results of this testing, the quality of this cement is determined. But apart from these, there are many types of cement. For example: Rapid Hardening Cement, Low Heat Cement, High Alumina Cement, White Cement, Colorful Cement.

How many cement factories are there in India?

Till 1947 there were total eight cement factories in India. Whose production capacity was approximately 21 lakh tons. But after independence the cement inter grows very fast. Because after independence, infrastructure work started at a very fast pace in various places in our country. Dams were being built at various places. The bridge was being built. Big government offices were being built. Due to this, the demand of cement also increases at a very fast pace. At present eight percent of the total cement production in the world is made in India. India is the second largest cement producing country in the world after China. India exports cement to USA, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan.


Even in 2020, Sri Lanka bought about 1.8 million tonnes of cement from India. Now if we talk about the states of India, then Andhra Pradesh produces the most cement, followed by Rajasthan, and third by Karnataka. However, 98 percent of India's total cement production is done by private companies. And there are about twenty such big companies. Who produces about 70% of this total percentage.

But the cement industry has some minor problems. This industry requires a large amount of capital investment. But profit does not come as such. Therefore, big investors and businessmen invest less in cement industry than other industries. Another thing is that this intercity requires a lot of energy. Hence, the industry faces huge problems in states where energy is not available in sufficient quantity. Another thing is that the cement industry plays a major role in air pollution. So on the one hand, the whole world is alerted about the environment. So reducing the greenhouse gas has also become a big problem for this industry.

Method of identification of original cement

Finally, an important thing. When you build a house you definitely want good quality materials to use in the house. But sometimes fake cement is also sold in the market at low prices. So be careful in that direction. Therefore, before starting any construction work, it is important to know the difference between genuine and fake cement.

A method of identifying genuine cement. Any weather is when you put your hands in real cement. Then it will always be cold if you feel hot with your hand in the cement. But think that there is some adulteration in him. And while buying it, you must check its manufacturing date. Because according to experts, the best results are obtained within three months of cement manufacturing.

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